Impacts on Friendships – Aislene


Aislene feels cut off because she can no longer engage with her queer community.


It’s been really hard to get together with friends as often as I used to be able to and because I have become almost a little bit of a shut-in. It’s just been pretty hard, especially with – I’d say the queer community, I haven’t been able to go out to any of the drag shows because there’s just so much that I’d have to do to actually get there, whether it’s drive down there at night, park the car, walk to the bar, and I’m in my thirties and I don’t want to do that anyways. But also, it’s just by the time stuff happens, when it’s eight o’clock at night, I don’t want to do anything because I’ve been doing stuff all day or even when I haven’t done anything all day. So, that’s been pretty tough. I feel like there’s been a bit of a disconnect with a few of my friends that don’t quite understand the effect of disability that has on people.

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